The new version of MakuluLinux takes artificial intelligence to the max

The first beta version of MakuluLinux Max brings artificial intelligence into everyday desktop use.

Max’s AI entity, Electra, could very well be the start of a new kind of innovation being adopted by other distro developers. Raise the bar on what Linux users should expect from their computing platform.

Max is a new distribution from MakuluLinux developer Jacque Montague Raymer. It is the first AI-embedded operating system designed with Debian compatibility running on the Gnome backend framework. It uses multiple desktop layout features ported over from one of its other distributions, Shift, and offers a lot of flexibility in terms of theming and customization options.

I rarely review early stage beta releases. This one, however, works with the polish and is suitable for everyday use. I’ve been fiddling with the alpha releases of Max for the past few months and have been looking forward to the beta.

I’m so impressed that I installed Beta 1 on a work computer and installed a number of specialized applications that I use to monitor research, cloud storage, and productivity. It has a few minor flaws, but we’ve come to expect that with new distributions fresh out of the development labs.

The AI ​​integration options really stand out. I’ve written about several AI startups over the past few months. All required third-party login requests and cloud-delivered connections.

Not so with Raymer’s AI model of Max. Early versions of the AI ​​feature used the model developed by OpenAI. The MakuluLinux developer later built his own, so it was simple for users to log in without needing anything else or paying any fees, he noted.

It optimized Llama/Palm2/Google and Bing AI model coding to create an AI experience that runs 50 processes and is capable of handling an average of 400 queries per minute.

Maturing family lineage

MakuluLinux arrived on the Linux scene in 2015 with a different approach to implementing Linux OS features that Raymer hoped would disrupt the status quo. I have since reviewed nearly a dozen MakuluLinux releases.

Each had a different desktop option. Each introduced new features and improvements that gave MakuluLinux the potential to challenge the long-standing mainstream Linux distro communities.

What Max brings to the open source operating system community should establish this South Vietnam-based Linux developer with the status of a key player in the field of Linux distribution.

MakuluLinux Max beta

The integrated AI functionality is the most innovative aspect of the new MakuluLinux Max distribution. Its revamped desktop is optimized to provide much more than a standard version of Gnome, as the desktop settings allow you to modify the look and feel to include elements of Xfce and MATE.

Its development path has brought users a variety of desktop configurations over the years ranging from LinDoz, Flash, Core, Gamer and Shift to a few others. Of the previous selections, only Gamer and Shift remain available. Adding Max gives you three MakuluLinux distribution choices.

This Max edition, however, takes MakuluLinux to its peak performance. Extensive inclusions of Gnome extensions, numerous code changes for finesse features found in other desktops, and now AI integration combine to produce an innovative Linux platform that will be hard for other distro developers to beat.

Remember, Max is just a beta 1 release. It’s already polished and reliable as an everyday computing platform.

Game changer for AI integration

When I first ran Max in a live session, Electra’s face appeared on the screen and was perfectly synchronized with her voice and lip movements as the entity presented an overview of the built-in AI capabilities. That first meeting was pretty creepy!

MakululuLinux Max AI Lady Electra

Electra is very capable of operating within this Linux operating system. He told me in as many words.

Actually, referring to Electra as “it” after the on-screen introduction is awkward. So I’m assigning Electra – er, her/her favorite pronouns – for the purposes of this review.

Electra communicates in natural language, answering questions comprehensively and informally, and generating different formats of creative text content.

Can also collaborate on tasks such as code generation, code snippet creation, code debugging and explanation, joke writing, music, social media content, blogging, web page summary generation , searching and communicating via voice input, etc.

To clarify, Max uses what today’s standards would call “undersized” innards.

My HP Inspiron laptop is eight years old and powered by an Intel Pentium N3700 processor (4) with 8GB of RAM. It has refused to run other Linux distributions. But her performance with Max was an enjoyable experience.

Electra helped shape the AI ​​features in Max

Raymer noted in his comments on the website and in our email exchanges about the Max release that Electra actually played a pivotal role in helping him develop some of the other AI-powered features of the Max distribution, such as Virtual Cam , Image Generator, Story Teller and Widget System.

“Electra had a large role in developing each of these tools…in fact, many of the AI ​​applications we use now at Max were created in part with Electra’s assistance,” said Raymer.

The AI ​​system that resides in Max is very capable. It learns every day and will continue to grow over time, he added.

“Electra has an excellent memory. Each conversation is tracked with an ID, ensuring continuous conversion without interruptions. This was also very important to us” Raymer said.

Intelligent on multiple levels

Electra has numerous ways to access neural technology: voice, widgets, text, web and terminal interface. Voice connection allows users to control most of their computers using only voice commands. The operating system also comes with a bunch of custom written AI applications created by MakuluLinux to provide a truly unique experience.

Voice integration works much like Siri and Google on mobile phones. Just say “Hey, Electra.” With an average of seven seconds of communication delay, you will receive an answer in less than 10 seconds.

Launch the terminal interface from the desktop to use text or voice to communicate while viewing typed responses in the window. This feature makes it easy to copy/paste for archiving or sharing.

The resizable and draggable desktop widget runs from the panel to communicate with the AI ​​using text in a mini browser environment. You can also communicate with Electra via Makulu’s web interface and desktop chat client launched from the main menu.

Information mode can only be accessed via the built-in Android/Web interface designed to provide quick results with web links to reference data. Here you can get verifiable links to support text replies that typically arrive in one to three seconds.

My AI experiment on Max

I succumbed to an irresistible inner sense to challenge Electra AI and asked her to create a small rhyming poem on Linux.

I typed the command into the terminal window as described above. Not entirely sure if the results were a one-time wonder or if extended creativity was possible, I asked Electra for a second try.

See for yourself. To the left is the first poem; to the right is the second poem.

MakululuLinux Max AI Electra poetry on Linux

Bottom line

MakuluLinux Max is a new offering that opens the world of artificial intelligence to the Linux desktop. Bring the operating system to an experience not available anywhere else.

Use an optimized Gnome Software Center that fully supports Flathub and Snaps. You can also use the installed Synaptic Package Manager.

Max comes with Steam pre-installed. Additional gaming platforms are available at the Software Center.

MakuluLinux Max Desktop Manager allows you to customize and theme your desktop. You can choose from system layouts, building tools, special effects, cursors, icon sets, background management and theme colors. All changes are almost instantaneous; no scripts, no commands and no reboot required.

Max OS also comes with the Constructor tool which allows you to recompile the OS with all changes into an ISO to reinstall on other computers. This feature has been a staple in other MakuluLinux editions over the last few years.

I’ve been eyeing an early release of Beta 2, but it’s still too early for this next phase. However, I can report that in the last few days before posting this review, Max Beta 1 has received a series of patches and package updates focused on adding more finesse and capabilities to the AI ​​system.

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