Bidens Internet boondoggle, who are the real fascists and other comments



June 28, 2023 | 5:16 pm

Libertarian: Bidens Internet Boondoggle

President Biden’s $42 billion broadband equity, access and delivery plan is an obscene amount of money to invest in technology that will be obsolete by the time it’s built, jokes Ronald Bailey. BEAD’s stated goal is to connect everyone in America to reliable and affordable high-speed Internet by the end of the decade. Yet 90.5% of American households are already signed up for Internet download speeds of 100Mbps or higher. So private broadband companies are already providing access to faster and cheaper internet services and will likely finish the job long before Bidens BEAD boondoggle takes off.

SCOTUS typed: Another The day democracy didn’t die

The fall of American democracy came with a thud yesterday morning, Jonathan Turley scoffs at The Hill, as Tuesday’s 6-3 decision in an electoral law case disproved liberal law professors and pundits who had said the Court Suprema was about to carry out a long-planned coup and takeover. Somehow it doesn’t matter that the court, with its conservative majority, has won repeated victories for the Biden administration, that the conservative coup never came, or that for every case with six conservatives voting together, it seems that there is one with three Conservatives voting together. in dissent. Indeed: the conspiracy theory of the next Supreme Court coup is probably already brewing.

President Biden gave a primetime speech on defending democracy from semi-fascism and promising to remake the auto industry.

From right: Catholic Schools Correct on COVID

Students in Catholic schools have consistently outperformed public school systems since lockdowns, note Washington Examiners editors. Why? In summer and fall 2020 and even 2021, the Biden campaign and administration, hundreds of large public school systems and teacher unions placed fear as their lodestar, but Catholic schools trusted the science that showed that kids were exceptionally safe from COVID and generally open in Fall 2020 and has remained open in person year round. This made a big difference: Tests show that Catholic school students consistently outperformed public school students in math and reading in both fourth and eighth grade. without the record loss of learning seen in public schools. Some local politicians and health care czars have attacked Catholic schools for opening, but the frontrunners were right about the harms of distance learning and the safety of in-person education.

Conservative: who are i True fascists?

MSNBC’s Joy Reid recently accused presidential candidate Ron DeSantis of running the most overtly fascist campaign I’ve ever seen, and President Biden gave a primetime speech about defending democracy against semi-fascism, jokes The Federalists David Harsanyi , many Democratic ideas are. . . well, let’s call them fascist neighbors. When Biden vows to remake the auto industry, where does he get his power from? When voters complain to school boards, the Justice Department cools the talk by labeling them domestic terrorists. Indeed, it is difficult to think of a single major democratic initiative that does not involve coercion. That doesn’t make Joy Reid or Joe Biden any worse than Hitler, but they, and those like them, are illiberal actors who pose a far greater threat than DeSantis.

Gadfly: Obama’s populism mess

It’s very hard to sustain a democracy when you have such massive concentrations of wealth, former President Barack Obama recently told CNN to which National Reviews’ Jim Geraghty smiles: Obama and his wife are walking, talking, massive concentrations of wealth, with the largest book deal in history, $65 million, a Netflix deal worth an estimated $50 million, a $25 million Spotify deal, and six-figure voice expenses. Regarding Bams’s claim that inequality will fuel the mostly far-right kind of populism, Geraghty counters: Right-wing populists in the United States love a man who lives in a villa in Mar-a-Lago and who brags about how rich he is. . They’re not even necessarily in the bottom half of the nation’s income scale. Obama is simply not interested in updating or revising his 2008 assessment of rights led by small-town citizens who cling bitterly to guns or religion.

Compiled by The Post editorial board

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